Reauthorising Medication

To reauthorise medication:

  1. From the Patient Summary screen select Medication .
  2. The Repeat Medication screen displays and defaults to Repeats:

  3. To reauthorise repeat(s) select Reauthorise .
  4. The Reauthorise Repeats screen displays and lists all repeats that require reauthorisation.
  5. If you wish to exclude any items, swipe left.

  6. Select Reauthorise to reauthorise all repeats.
  7. Select Reauthorise n repeats to confirm reauthorisation:

  8. The Decision Support screen displays, select Reauthorise Repeats to proceed:

  9. As the repeats are being authorised a message displays on the screen:

  10. The medication is reauthorised and removed from the Reauthorise Repeats screen.
Important - Please be aware, Vision Anywhere only displays Medication from the last 2 years.
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